Access to Job Teaser

As part of the Alumni Network's continuing efforts to support our graduates in their professional pursuits, we are happy to announce that access to the University's Job Teaser platform has been extended to alumni! While you probably remember Job Teaser from your days as a student, here are the 3 main benefits:

  1. Access to the jobs board, with positions available both in Luxembourg and internationally.
  2. Profiles of the companies who are recruiting on the platform.
  3. Company-specific recruitment events and webinars.

All you need is your AlumnID ( email address) and you're ready to go. AlumnID is available to all Bachelor, Master, PhD graduates. If you don't have it yet, click here to request one now.


Whether you are a recent graduate who still has access to your JobTeaser student account, or a previous graduate who would like to create an account, please follow one of the two procedures below.

I still have a Job Teaser account

  1. Log in to your Job Teaser account as usual with your address choosing Login Students/Staff option.
  2. Edit your primary email address on your profile and change it to your address.
  3. Log out and log back into your account, but this time using the “Login Alumni” option instead of Login Students/Staff.

I want a new Job Teaser account

  1. Account creation is only possible using your address; to create a new account, choose the “Login Alumni” option.
  2. You will be prompted to enter your email address and password (on a Microsoft site).
  3. You can then create your account and access the Job Teaser platform always using “Login Alumni” option.